月華 (DESIGN: 木崎貴幸)
A combination of wooden triangles creates a voluminous spherical polyhedron. A single layer of ‘washi’ Japanese paper type fits well in a modern interior space while the alternately double-layered ‘washi’ type presents a subtle shade providing a sense of depth into the space.
ペンダント P116
A small pendant lamp made of regular pentagons uses wood and ‘washi’ to generate the Japanese taste. Its geometric pattern adds an accent to the space.
A unique design expressing the contrast of beautiful light and shadow patterns. The light emanates softly through the ‘washi’ shades and directly through the openings.
A beautiful small pendant lamp created by refining a traditional ‘bonbori ‘(traditional Japanese paper lamp) to the utmost limit. Well balanced lighting distribution permeates softly through the shades and bright direct light from the bottom. Good for both singular and multiple use.
ペンダント P141
小さな立方体がベーシックな印象を与えるあかりです。側面にストライプ模様が施されたタイプと無地の和紙の表情を楽しむタイプの2 種類があります。小型ペンダントはテーブルやカウンター上に複数で吊り下げると、より効果的です。
A basic small cube-shaped lamp available both striped and solid. Multiple use is effective for overhead lighting and countertop use.
A small pendant lamp based on the design of Meiji to early Showa period. Quality craftsmanship with a subtle warpage of the vertical structure and ‘washi’ shade with delicate ‘kumiko ranma’ (lattice work for transoms) technique.

An image of the moonlight shading the flock of clouds is created from the layers of white boxes made by the traditional technique applying ‘washi’ on the delicate woodwork with the contemporary design.The gentle light assists you to spend time slowly and calmly.
手ぬぐいペンダント RIN・凛
江戸の粋と伝統を伝え続け創業140 余年、東京日本橋・梨園染 戸田屋商店の手ぬぐいをセードに用いたあかりです。美しい染色で作られた手拭柄は消灯時にもインテリアのアクセントとして楽しめますが、夕暮れになって点灯すると内側からの光が優しく透けて美しい表情を醸し出します。
セードは5 種類からお選びいただけます。写真左から菊、桜、あじさい、花づくし、クローバー柄をご紹介しますが、その他の柄やお客様お持ち込みのて手ぬぐいを使っても製作可能です。詳細はお問い合わせください。
A Japanese cotton towel ‘tenugui’ from an established Rien Todaya-Shoten in Nihonbashi, Tokyo with more than 140 years of history, is used for the shades. Beautifully dyed ‘tenugui’ pattern can be enjoyed as an interior element, yet the gently diffused light from inside creates delightful expression. Five patterns available: chrysanthemum, cherry blossoms, hydrangea, flower arrangement and clover. (from left to right) Please inquire if you wish to make original shades with your ‘tenugui’.
P145 / C145
A large pendant lamp made with squares and triangles showing various expressions depending on the viewing positions. Both pendant type and direct ceiling type are available.